Friends of Johnson Valley -
The Friends of Johnson Valley (FOPV) is a group to help raise public awareness of the VALUE of recreation and multiple
use of our public lands, specifically Johnson Valley OHV Area. Our goal
is to preserve, protect, enjoy and maintain our desert paradise.
Partnership for Johnson Valley
Our Mission is to unite the many people who enjoy the diverse activities available in the multiple-access area of Johnson Valley. Our charter is to promote responsible recreation and the use of desert resources through conservation and education. The goal of the Partnership is to ensure public open access to the area in the present, and for the future generations who Live, Work, and Recreate in Johnson Valley.
Friends of Eldorado — FOE
The Friends of Eldorado National Forest strives to maintain routes, campsites and trails in Eldorado National Forest by working closely with the Forest Service in order to provide continued access to the forest by many different types of recreationists.
California Association of 4 Wheel Drive
We're the California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc. Since 1959, our non-profit organization has actively promoted the advancement of vehicle oriented outdoor recreation. Today, the Association represents over 8,000 members and 160 member clubs. We are the largest organization of this type in the State and represent owners of all makes and models of 4WD vehicles, as well as non-owners who support responsible vehicle oriented recreation.
The California Off Road Vehicle Association (CORVA) is a varied group of outdoor
recreationists who are extremely active in promoting the positive aspects of
vehicular access on public lands and protecting that right.
Friends of the Rubicon
Dedicated to keeping the Rubicon Trail open.
FOF Friends of the Fordyce
Friends of Fordyce is a coalition of concerned individuals and organizations dedicated to the preservation of the Fordyce Trail. Participation from all people who love the trail is welcome as we strive to ensure continued access through political activism, education and trail maintenence.
To the future of Fordyce! |
Friends of Panamint Valley -
The Friends of Panamint Valley (FOPV) is a not for profit organization concerned about the decrease in vehicular access to points of interest within the Panamint Valley region.
North American XJ Association -
NAXJA is a club for XJ/MJ owners that was founded in 1999.
United Four Wheel Drive Association
UFWDA - Dedicated to Promoting the Great Outdoors Nine Goals of United Four Wheel Drive Associations, Inc. UFWDA in service to recreational four wheel drive enthusiasts since 1976.
BlueRibbon Coalition
The BlueRibbon Coalition champions responsible use of public lands for the benefit of all recreationists by educating and empowering its members to:
1- Secure, protect, and expand shared outdoor recreation access and use.
2- Work collaboratively with land managers and other recreationists.
3- Educate the general public media, elected officials, and other decision makers on recreation and access issues.
4- Promote equitable and responsible land management.
5- Affect the political and administrative process.
6- Support recreation on, and promote, respect for private property.
7- Encourage appropriate enforcement of the law.
Tread Lightly
Tread Lightly! empowers generations to enjoy the outdoors responsibly. If we increase public awareness and encourage responsible outdoor practices, the great outdoors will be accessible, open and well preserved for years to come.
Trails In Trouble
More and more of our Public Lands are being closed to the Public. This trend has concentrated recreation onto smaller and smaller areas, which has increased impacts and reduced public enjoyment.
We all agree our public lands should be managed and conserved. This can be most effectively done while preserving all existing public access for current and future generations. Your involvement is critical to help stop trail closures and protect access to your public lands.